Hansel & Gretel
The Brothers Grimm fairy tale reimagined by Clive Hicks-Jenkins in a picture book published by
Random Spectacular
Available HERE
Hansel & Gretel
The Brothers Grimm fairy tale reimagined by Clive Hicks-Jenkins in a picture book published by
Random Spectacular
Available HERE
The Hansel & Gretel Book-Trailer is now live.
Scenario: Clive Hicks-Jenkins
Film: Culture Colony Vision
Models: Philip Cooper
Music: Kate Romano
Hansel & Gretel Prelude played on a two octave toy piano by Kate Romano. Recorded by Rob Godman.
Coming soon, the Hansel & Gretel picture-book trailer. The collaborators on the project are:
Pete Telfer..............................lighting cameraman
Phil Cooper............................models
Clive Hicks-Jenkins..............maquettes and animation.
Kate Romano.........................composition for toy piano
Rob Godman.........................music recording